I think that writing is a great way to express those things that we cherish in our hearts, but many times forget. I think over the past two weeks I have waken up to some profound thought every morning, and by nightfall, it has escaped me. Today as I was driving to church I saw an SUV pass and it had a sticker "Local Lynchburg." Now that thought triggered another thought which triggered another and so on. Since I am a visual person, I first thought of a "Lynchburg Living" magazine I saw a friend's house this week. I babysat for her on Friday and I was browsing through the magazine. As I sat on an embroidered chair Friday, I remember my state of being. Just shivering...partially from the wet suit I wore from the pool, and partially from the conversation that was going to come that night. As I glanced through the magazine, I was not really reading, just thinking about that sticker in that magazine which held so much significance. That sticker from that magazine was cut and formed to mean so much more than just promoting buying local produce. Intentionally, someone had thought of that sticker and imagined how it could be transformed into something better, something special. Just to think that your life is headed in on direction and then it shifts. It guess I think back to a verse I have on my facebook account.
It reads Psalm 73:25
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
So it is true. When chaos intends to stop by for a stay of who knows how long??, whom have I? To whom do I belong? This week has been a true test of knowing that I belong to Christ. I do. Even when chaos comes marching to my dear heart, God's peace has interjected, not once today when I saw that little sticker, or even when I put my mmmm dulce Splenda in my Panera coffee. This peace, just for me, is going past all my understanding, all of what I thought and even what I think. I use such a coined phrase to say-- I trust that God is in control. That I so desire to steer, to mold me, to change me, but in Spanish, no sirve. It does not work.
I am going to try to be more consistent to write, because in writing I think will help express those things in me which I want to hold inside. Those thoughts that come to me throughout the day, the little things which I treasure in the morning, but forget by the day's end. This process of seeing that "Local Lynchburg" sticker and knowing that for me it was transformed and meant so much reminds me that when little things happen day to day, God is with me. He is taking me and molding me.
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