The Best
Spoke with him today?
What did he say of himself?
A lot of great things.
A very happy greeting
He walks in the room
"Heeey!!!!" It's great to see!!!!
I try to smile.
What now??
Your hair still the same
Thoroughly shaved each third month
A nice trim would do
Only once in a while
you do not dream much
someone else steering your ship?
will you fight for her?
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Haiku for my relief
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Captivated in Guatemala

Two weeks ago I arrived in Guatemala. Now since I had already been here five years ago, I had certain presuppositions. I came five years ago with a church to work outside of Antigua. I had been a Christian just over one year, and this experience really gave me a view into the world. As I return five years later so many things are different.
When I arrived at the airport, Alain, a missionary from our church was there to pick me up. When I looked up he was the first person I saw, which was a relief. I am by myself in a country and he really has been a great support. So has the Hanko family. This trip I am staying with this missionary family from Argentina. They are Marcelo, Vivi, and then their three children, Nicole, Mati and Noelia. Noelia is a doll! She is three and a half and just adores me. I pretty much adore her as well. They live in a gated community in Guatemala City and their house is four rooms, three baths. I have my own room and bathroom.
Since arriving it has been go, go, go! The first week I went with Marcelo and Alain to a place called "Jalapa." This is three hours away from Guatemala City. Marcelo Hanko, the missionary dad travels throughout the month because his and his wife's ministry is to encourage pastors throughout Guatemala. This includes but is not limited to house visits, prayer, doctor's visits, transportation. Anyways, on the first trip we visited five pastors and missionaries and prayed for them. As well, we brought an oven, washing machine and refrigerator to families in need. As we were driving to these places, it was a definite time for reflection. We were driving through very poor places and encouraging people that are serving God, not for any other reason than that they love God. One place that was really special was visiting a young missionary who for five years had dedicated her life to serving in Guatemala. She lived by herself in Guatemala, in a small apartment and served at a church in a very mountainous area. When we came to pray for her, she was so thankful and caring. This really made me think of what it means to lay down your own desires and comforts and serve people. On the way to Jalapa, I was sharing my dreams with Marcelo, the missionary here in Guatemala, and he was just encouraging in that there are only two things that last when we die. The Word of God and how we loved and served people for Christ's sake. I thought about how much I look forward to the rest of my life and just exploring what God has for me. At the same time I think of where God has already opened doors for me to travel (Bahamas, Spain, England, Guatemala, Mexico.) Hoping to go to Canada soon. ALSO in Jalapa, I cannot neglect to mention a lady I met, Claudia, who allowed me to stay in her room (she is also serving God here in Guatemala-attended Palabra de Vida Argentina).
Aside from visiting churches, I have also enjoyed a number of sits. Namely...the beach on both the Atlantic and Pacific sides and a volcano with REAL lavaaaaaaaaa! That's a story... On visiting the Pacific side...Alain (missionary from Guatemala to states) took me to a water park and then we went to a black sand beach and rode four wheelers. Great fun! On going to the Atlantic side...Marcelo, Alain and myself again jumped in the family's jeep and headed to a place called "El Faro." This was a resort built by a man in Chicago. It is a place used for ministry purposes, and Marcelo goes there once a month to preach and encourage those that work on the site. "El Faro" = a place I will never forget. Soft sand, warm water, a thunderstorm the first night we arrived, wow! Also a number of ladies cooked for us, tortillas (corn are my fav!), homemade Guacamole and chicken..YUM! During our two day stay, many people came to know the Lord and at the same time, I felt God really speaking to me. I am reading a book called Captiviating, by Stasi Eldridge. She speaks of so many things which have ministered to my heart these past few weeks. Two key things, which I believe to be true, not from pure virtue of her writings, but on my conviction, she writes of a man and a woman and how God made us. I must put in a little smidge of what I am reading and how I reflected on this at "El Faro" as I sat on the dock and watched the sunset and listened to the waves...She writes...
"Every song you love, memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart. God's version of flowers and chocolates and candlelight dinners comes in the form of sunsets and falling stars, moonlight on lakes and cricket symphonies; warm wind, swaying trees, lush gardens and fierce devotion." (Captivating, 116)
Now, I read this that afternoon, and after I had taken a dip in the warm Atlantic, I sat on the dock, salty, refreshed and looked at the sunset, the palm trees, and the private resort I was visiting. Was God romancing me or what?? I mean I could have really missed this special moment. But I thought wow, a sunset, a private beach, a dip in the ocean, a little cottage all to myself...yes I was being romanced. One of the many things God has done this two weeks.
Next blog: PACAYA
Sunday, July 12, 2009
This week I went to Church of God youth camp. The theme for the camp was "That 70's camp." It was a beautiful time. First of all I will preface this by saying that I was part of a Bible college, an extension of Lee University. This college was the one from which came the "Everything" drama by Lifehouse. We are just a small group of people trying to follow the voice of God. Well during the time I spent with "mission" (mission Virginia then, now mission Baltimore), I grew immensely. Not only was I discipled; however I grew in relationships with the people who are now my closest friends. As soon as I arrived on campus, I was encompassed by Jessica and Mike Niedermeier. Then the youth directors, Pat and Jan Wright. I see these directors as following the Will of God. It was so refreshing to see a married couple who had put first God's Kingdom. They took time to greet the staff and really thank us for time we were investing in these young students. After the introduction I caught up with a number of other people, Alicia (a young lady who served with Jessica and I as staff our third year at mission.) Gary, a close friend who worked sound all week. It is so nice to get a Gary hug and just have someone like him listen. We are a number of people from all over and yet when we come together, it is so special. It is as though the time apart does not matter, there is still a bond so strong that we can pick up from where we last left off. When the students arrived, we all shuffled to our rooms. (Jessica helped me unpack my not so minimalist back seat...which included a steamer...ha ha), and then the ladies started to arrive. I had eleven girls in my cabin. They were from Parrott Church of God and Chilhowie Church of God. As they entered the room, I was studying for my upcoming GRE. I was have sounded so presumptuous when they asked what I was reading. Sometimes I fear I come off to people as prissy. This is partially due to my fast talking and California type voice. Later on, it is true, I learned that they did not they were going to get along with me bc of the way that I sounded. After they had arrived, the week began! We had service the first night, and my former pastor (who is very much like a father to me), preached. The girls were open to the way God was speaking to them and I tried very hard during the week to build valuable relationships with the ladies. Last week by far, was not the easiest week for me personally; however I realized by allowing God to work in my weaknesses, He was glorified. One example of this was on Tuesday morning, we had a devotional and I just quickly reminded the girls that they were all there on purpose that week. That God wanted them there and that is the reason they had come and more than that, according to Ps 139, even in their mother's womb, God thought of them. Later that night, Tim brought up that verse and I think it really hit home for the ladies. Because the girls were from two churches, it was an interesting dynamic. (They were both VERY country); however many attended different high school's within their county, so molding the gap all week was work. When we did start to mesh, we began to laugh and giggle and eat lots of crazy food, win many consecutive tug of war games and also bond with our boy's team. One special moment I can think of during the week was sitting with our boy's team and playing spoons. I was laughing so hard! Some of those boys are so good! By the end of the week, I had seen my girls bond together, learn about brotherly love, experience fun times at the pool and open hearts for God's call to go into the world for their schools. One of my favorite parts from the services was when after we had prayed, a student came up to the speaker and with his dyed black hair, skinny jeans and dangling ear phones, said he needed to say something. What pursued was so special and will reside that way in my heart. He spoke about how we really need to be intentional about those around us, because "we need them in heaven with us." That brought me to tears.
Another special part for me was spending time with NEW mission students. One night I had to leave camp and drive back to Lynchburg, and on my way back I bought some necessities for the students. I thought back to when I was in mission and I was poor. Many times not knowing how I was going to afford to do my laundry. Chatting with the students and hearing how much they were growing makes me reminisce to how much I grew and how investing time for God for a few short years really transforms one.
After camp, I have looked forward to returning home. Upon my arrival, I was a bit excited to see everyone from the Spanish ministry in Lynchburg! Today was Kimmie's last day and we all went to lunch at Fiesta Tapatia (or something close to that.) I drove her to her car and we said our goodbyes. Also upon returning I decided to go to Guatemala. I am going from July 20- Aug 3. After this, I am heading back to Kansas to meet my sister's baby!
As far as my picture that I am including...this week I decided to go the market in Lynchburg. They had flowers for 50 cents a stock. I bought two. As my pastor's wife Laura and I are going through discipleship, there are some very special parts to the book we are reading. "Captivating" describes how beauty is essential to all women. How God created us for beauty. That no matter what happens in this life, God has made us for beauty. When I was walking back to my car yesterday I almost cried just looking at the flowers. That God would know how very special it was for me to reach out in a camp beyond my personal matter, that God re opened an opporutnity for me to serve him and that even in the little things such as seeing a beautiful set of flowers, He can speak to me. Looking forward to more of that....
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Local Lynchburg

I think that writing is a great way to express those things that we cherish in our hearts, but many times forget. I think over the past two weeks I have waken up to some profound thought every morning, and by nightfall, it has escaped me. Today as I was driving to church I saw an SUV pass and it had a sticker "Local Lynchburg." Now that thought triggered another thought which triggered another and so on. Since I am a visual person, I first thought of a "Lynchburg Living" magazine I saw a friend's house this week. I babysat for her on Friday and I was browsing through the magazine. As I sat on an embroidered chair Friday, I remember my state of being. Just shivering...partially from the wet suit I wore from the pool, and partially from the conversation that was going to come that night. As I glanced through the magazine, I was not really reading, just thinking about that sticker in that magazine which held so much significance. That sticker from that magazine was cut and formed to mean so much more than just promoting buying local produce. Intentionally, someone had thought of that sticker and imagined how it could be transformed into something better, something special. Just to think that your life is headed in on direction and then it shifts. It guess I think back to a verse I have on my facebook account.
It reads Psalm 73:25
Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
So it is true. When chaos intends to stop by for a stay of who knows how long??, whom have I? To whom do I belong? This week has been a true test of knowing that I belong to Christ. I do. Even when chaos comes marching to my dear heart, God's peace has interjected, not once today when I saw that little sticker, or even when I put my mmmm dulce Splenda in my Panera coffee. This peace, just for me, is going past all my understanding, all of what I thought and even what I think. I use such a coined phrase to say-- I trust that God is in control. That I so desire to steer, to mold me, to change me, but in Spanish, no sirve. It does not work.
I am going to try to be more consistent to write, because in writing I think will help express those things in me which I want to hold inside. Those thoughts that come to me throughout the day, the little things which I treasure in the morning, but forget by the day's end. This process of seeing that "Local Lynchburg" sticker and knowing that for me it was transformed and meant so much reminds me that when little things happen day to day, God is with me. He is taking me and molding me.
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