I have to admit I have one week left and I am ready to be going home! God has provided so much to me in the past week. Last weekend my family came from England and I gave them a semi- tour of Barcelona. We had such a fun time. We stayed in the Marriott BCN, it was so nice! My aunt and I had a special night when we went out without the three boys (not that we didn´t want them to come but just that we wanted some girl time)... well we ate at a really nice restaurant with 7 courses! It was such a treat! We started off with spoons of tomato paste--then appetizers, they served the main meal, dessert, coffee... you get the idea
I have to admit also that I really miss England. It was so nice getting to see my family and honestly it was the first time anyone from my family had seen an aspect of me at school. Neither of my parents have seen Liberty University but my aunt Renee and uncle David and boys were able to see my room, the restaurant I am interning at and the city I live in. Well after they left, it was back to work. During last week Michelle went to France so I had the opportunity to go to Barcelona. I planned a beach day and then sat and enjoyed the sun, caught up on some reading, (I have had amble time for that) and had a fat free sorbet on my way home. This weekend Michelle and I worked.. and now I feel as though I am just waiting to go home. I also thought of the 50k that I ran last year that was this weekend, I will be really excited to start competing again! I am looking forward to two special races this fall. I am posting a video this week I found on YouTube of last years race. Just as my aunt got some insight to the things going on in my life, here is a post to one of the most special things to me. (I am in the video at one point when the author sees three girls and says we are right behind the second place girl which is my friend Sarah!)
I miss you all dearly and am awaiting my arrival in the States. I have one week and then it´s work, school and US life again. Praying for you all
hey krista!
i watched the you tube! how cool to have a video of the race that holds such great memories for you! so how long did it take you to run 32 miles?
Are we going to get to see you this summer? i hope so.....
love you girl!
hey sis, i am so glad you are having such a good time with renee and her family. can't wait to see you. love, mom
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