Friday, November 21, 2008
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Although I am so thankful for the fact I got to come to Spain for an ENTIRE semester...it's about that time to be ready to come home! Me falta dos dias, which means I have two days left! This week has been so interesting. Michelle and I have been in Barcelona city all week! Michelle and I were trying to get the best out of Spain before we leave. So we have visited "Las Ramblas" again, we bought a ton of presents and went to the beach several days. These past few weeks have been complete rest. It is so funny because when I was in Bible college, I was so busy and I yearned for rest and now that I get to rest I just want to be busy again.
Once I get back I will have plenty to do. I finish my last set of classes beginning the second week of May, I start work again and I get to start running! I am super excited about this summer. I will get to hang out with all my friends at the first of three weddings this summer. (There were 5 last year), on May 24th and then I get to go home to Kansas in August. One of my cousins is getting married and I look forward to seeing my sisters and nephew Aiden.
On the plane home I know I will get to think of all that has happened this semester. I feel as though I have been gone forever. When I come back it will be so strange to enter the US culture, the money system the transportation. But I will be so happy to sleep in my bed, wake up to the sunshine in my room, be able to call my dear friends and family.
So I have enjoyed letting you all in on my life this past semester. There are few times in your life when you really have the attention of people, but I thank all of you for your love and reading about my life these past four months. I will miss Spain, miss writing these blogs but I anticipate seeing you all. Now having your attention only once more I do love you all. I want to leave you on a note that is much more important than anything else in my life or this world. So many times there is stress about what is to come or what in life we should be seeking or what even is the purpose of life at all. What I have learned from God's touch and from so many Christian friends loving and supporting me is that letting God take care of me and all those who trust Him is the only way. A verse of life from Jesus Christ, my Savior.
John 14: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (vs. 1 and 14)
God loves and cares for us and he desires to let us know him. I encourage all you to let him do that. :-)
Much care, Krista Lene'
Monday, April 28, 2008
I have to admit I have one week left and I am ready to be going home! God has provided so much to me in the past week. Last weekend my family came from England and I gave them a semi- tour of Barcelona. We had such a fun time. We stayed in the Marriott BCN, it was so nice! My aunt and I had a special night when we went out without the three boys (not that we didn´t want them to come but just that we wanted some girl time)... well we ate at a really nice restaurant with 7 courses! It was such a treat! We started off with spoons of tomato paste--then appetizers, they served the main meal, dessert, coffee... you get the idea
I have to admit also that I really miss England. It was so nice getting to see my family and honestly it was the first time anyone from my family had seen an aspect of me at school. Neither of my parents have seen Liberty University but my aunt Renee and uncle David and boys were able to see my room, the restaurant I am interning at and the city I live in. Well after they left, it was back to work. During last week Michelle went to France so I had the opportunity to go to Barcelona. I planned a beach day and then sat and enjoyed the sun, caught up on some reading, (I have had amble time for that) and had a fat free sorbet on my way home. This weekend Michelle and I worked.. and now I feel as though I am just waiting to go home. I also thought of the 50k that I ran last year that was this weekend, I will be really excited to start competing again! I am looking forward to two special races this fall. I am posting a video this week I found on YouTube of last years race. Just as my aunt got some insight to the things going on in my life, here is a post to one of the most special things to me. (I am in the video at one point when the author sees three girls and says we are right behind the second place girl which is my friend Sarah!)
I miss you all dearly and am awaiting my arrival in the States. I have one week and then it´s work, school and US life again. Praying for you all
Sunday, April 13, 2008
This week has been a breath of fresh air. I have had a lot to think about in coming back to the US and this week has been a blessing! I have already had the opportunity to see the first Capital of England, (Winchester), seen London (been on the London eye), seen Buckingham Palace (Queen was there!), and been to an island here in England. Tomorrow I am headed to a 17/18 mile trail which I will run in the am. Super excited! Also this week I know that God has provided for me a place to live and a job. So many things are working out. (Rom 8:28)
Being in England is a new site everyday. My cousins prefer the dungeon as my aunt and I call it, but it is really just Wii 24-7. My aunt and I have had a lot of quality time together and twice this week we have gone to Jane Austen's house. Her life is so much like her books. Her house is so quaint as well as the town she lived in. Upon going there twice, Renee and I rented Pride and Prejudice and it just made me want to fall in love. We are going to watch another one tonight! (Becoming Jane)
The end of this weekend, my family and I are headed to Barcelona. It should be a lot of fun. We are staying near the airport and my cousins are excited because it has a pool. Hope to take them to Sagrada Familia, (Gaudi), and to eat the best dish in Catalonia, Paella! I will be home in 22 days...wow See you all then much care, love Krista
Sunday, April 6, 2008
The U.K
I have learned a lot these past two weeks. There have a lot of ups and downs. I must confess I have made decisions I should not have and I have made decisions that will forever change my life in a positive sense. I guess there are things that are not a big deal until you have a large enough dose and then once damage is done you realize the caliber. Once in Barcelona last week I was standing on the street with my friend Ainhoa's grandma and a ray of sun shine caught my attention. I looked into the sky and saw how BLUE it was. I also noticed all these Spanish style balcony's, all these people's clothes drying just a sense of life from analyzing a different view I rarely take time to see. It was so beautiful to take everything in, the sky, the culture. I realized that I miss so many things because I do not look up enough. As I chewed on that this past week I realize I don't look up enough but with God's grace I want to start looking up more in all areas of my life.
I am closing out my time here in Europe. I say Europe because this week and the next I am in England! The UK baby. When I left Barcelona I was wearing flip flops. When I was in the airport I started chatting with a young man from England and he informed me a buddy let him know that it was snowing. On the airplane I was chatting with two young cyclists and they informed me of all their adventures in Spain and how they could not believe that it would be snowing when they got back home to England. When we to England, it was rather chilly for my flip flops but I thought it may warm up. I woke up today--just out of curiosity I opened the shade and it was snowing!!! And so hard. I decided what a better time then to take a run. So that's what I did, 10 miles this morning in the cold snow, but I found a variety of trails. (And I got to speak to a few people on the way... I LOVE the accent!!) I also got to go to church this morning and help with a bake sale raising funds for missions in Venezuela. Made me think how little I have been doing lately, gotta get on the ball!
I am starting to enjoy Europe so much. I really am thinking of coming back. I could see myself here at least one more year.
This week I am scheduled to go run an 18 mile trail yeah, go to London Tuesday and Saturday, visit Stonehenge and go to Jane Austin's house. (I'm such a romantic) When I return from London I will have two more weeks in Spain. I will soak up what I can and then be off! When I get home everything is up in the air. Have no clue for a job, a car. I am truly stressed but trying to trust everything will work out! It always does, just have to remember which direction I am looking in-- UP.
Heart-- Kristada
Saturday, March 22, 2008
I can't believe I spelled Fruit wrong
I think I know Josh a lot more than before....
This week has been craaaazy! It is the week of vacacciones, and my life since last Saturday wow! At first it seemed like time was going so slow..but now these next six weeks are going to FLY BY!
Ok let's start with Monday, my only running day... I have been sick all week! Then later this week, since my aunt in England has been e-mailing me... I have been really thinking of going to the UK! Well I bought my ticket and I will be there 12 days in April! I am so excited! I cannot wait to see London! Soo.. I have two more weeks at school and two weeks in London (well 12 days and then my aunts and nephews will stay in Barcelona in a hotel for 2-3 days), then two more weeks and I'm home!
So this week was mainly homework and visiting with family, but also I have been expecting a friend from the states, Josh! I was so excited that he was able to come... Upon his arrival in Sants Estacio, (Means Saints Station in Catalan), it's a metro station, we headed to Barcelona. Barcelona in a day! How fun, but how crazy! We left the station and I learned that he had lost his luggage a day before. He is traveling on a euro pass so he has a schedule to keep so after being stranded in Malaga, S. Spain, then heading to Madrid where he stayed with Kate, a friend from work we both no, he was ready to see Barcelona.
First thing we headed to eat, a local pizza place. (Pizza here is a lot different, for instance mine had no cheese, thin layer of bread I watched the guy make, and fresh tomato sauce, yummy!). Josh had his first experience of "no free refills" Also there's no free water.... everything costs. Well since he had lost all his things, we headed to El Corte Ingles, to buy some things for him... oh forgot...it's Good Friday, EVERYTHING is closed! Upon reaching the conclusion Josh would have to trust God was going to provide for him through snowy Germany without a clean anything or tennis shoes (he was wearing rainbow flip flops... the American way!) We saw the Picasso museum, Sagrada Familia and Las Ramblas. I think I liked Picasso best... yesterday was the first time I saw the general collection of his works and I felt so inspired. I want to paint now. On that note I bought a post card "paint it yourself Picasso" that I intend to water color and put in my scrap book with a pic from yesterday.
Before he left we both got to talk about what God is doing in our lives. It was such a breath of fresh air to me. There is so much need in Barcelona. Just thinking about how many Christians there are here is disheartening. But we confirmed we would pray for each other and I thanked God for great, Godly guys (so few), great Godly friends. After hours of walking... we headed to eat. After eating at what I am sure if the only buffet in Barcelona, we headed to drop him off so he could see Paris! It was a lot of fun and I included a pic.
Well after we dropped him off the real fun began... Michelle and I saw a train that was headed to St. Sadurni (that is close to where we live, but one hour away from Barcelona.) Well It was not going to get there until 11 so we figured trying going on a different line and sure enough, there was a line 30 min earlier... so as fast as we could... we got on line 10. WRONG! We realized it was the "same line" but in a "V" So in reality it was going to the same place but all the stops were different. To make a LONG story short.... we were asked by an Arab to marry him, we were locked out of the station and the only thing to do was call a taxi.... What a great idea except it was Good Friday... and the pay phone would not take our money! We eventually got a taxi and made it home! Wow, what a long day. (God Provided big time! we finally made it!)
Today at work the highlight was a guy asking me in English to go out with him to Barcelona... oh dear. I did appreciate him attempting English tho. Also I have been super sick this week. (Super is so Spanish, it's super everything...)
Also I titled this one fruit because as you all remember Josh without tennis shoes in Paris just remember all he has to eat today is fruit -- as well one of the sites we visited (Sagrada Familia) had these amazing fruit structures it made me think of Fruit of the Spirit. Gal 5
Miss you all! See you soon!
Saturday, March 15, 2008
The Price is Right?

Since arriving here, there have been a lot of headache days. Transitioning into a different culture for example is a bit complicated. Also most days after class in Barcelona, I come home and eat and then just study because there is nothing to do in our little town. However the past few weekends have been a lot of fun... so this blog with start with the weekend...
Ines: Ines is a wonderful girl i have had class with for the past six weeks. She is from Tawaiin. She has been studying the language for a year and has also studied in England. We have gotten really close. This weekend I went with her to her apartment in the middle of Barcelona and we went to a production called, Bollywood and later to the beach. Tonight we are going to "27 vestidos" or twenty seven dresses, we are both really excited. She is a lot about "romance." She is actually 27 and not married yet and for me, well I think it will be a rather fitting movie.
Family: I have been thinking a lot about my family here. I don't have my cell phone to just pick up and call everyone so I have especially thought of my grandma Iris, my uncle Brad and sisters. My grandma because of a lot of artsie things including Picasso muesem. Also walking in downtown Barcelona today Ines and I encountered a authentic restuarant and I ordered a salad with goat cheese. Whenever I visit my uncle Brad I always have such a great time and the last time I was there I ordered a very similar salad and since I usually don't eat cheese he encouraged that I did at least try it. I really didn't enjoy it that much over Thanksgiving break but today I really enjoyed the goat cheese. Even more so because I know it's low in fat. My sisters-- well I always miss them however this week I have really missed my nephew Aiden.
** Culture Lesson: This week in class I learned why everyone here greets with a kiss-- do you know why? A P. h. D, our professor-- told us that this is a relatively new cultural thing. The reason is is because of the tv series from the US, the price is right. I was shocked-- I thought it was this antique, classic european thing and it's from a dumpy show!
This weekend I also went to the beach for the first time~~ classic. A bit cold but still to embrace the beauty of the sun, the ocean waves, people-- I think of all God has created and I cannot hold it in! (JER 20: 9-- "And I can't stop, if I say I'll never mention the name of the Lord, it burns in my like a fire, I am weary of holding it in")
Upon arrival: I have been thinking about my arrival back to the states since it is but 7 weeks away. I have a lot to consider, my job, car wow! Pray for me if you remember.
I am thinking of you all. Miss and care for you
Friday, March 7, 2008

Hello all!
Castellano: This week has been one of my favorite weeks. I feel like I am starting to grasp Castellano, and I even dreamed in Spanish the other night! I woke up and felt so happy. Also this week, in class I got to share a little bit about my running, it was interesting trying to tell my class that I have run a double marathon distance. Each student is assigned a section of the newspaper. The past few works I intently studied "Barca" the most famous futbol team here. (soccer) They are quite amazing. In case you are wondering about Messi, Eto'o, Ronaldhino... I can tell you much... Anyways this week I am studying Culture and it is really cool to hear about the cultural aspects of this country. There has been so much talk about there elections here. The sad thing is is that there are two opposing parties and if you ask almost anyone, (I have asked my family, my professors, and fellow Spanish citizens on train rides etc,) and nobody likes their candidates. I am thankful for our elections, that even though we don't believe EVERYTHING at least we can have credibility in much of our government. We have a system that works.
Also this week in class, we were discussing holidays, and traditions. Each student is encouraged to talk, and as they speak, everything they say, which is wrong, is corrected. (Intimidating huh?) Well the question was "What traditions do you have in your country that you feel are losing what they once stood for?" I spoke of Christmas and what it is commonly recognized as and what I believe it should stand for. My teacher looked at me and asked if I was "religious?" I answered yes because I knew that was the best way to describe what he was seeking, and he then asked if I was "Protestant." I also answered yes... this may seem so small but I was thankful that God opened a door for my teacher as well as my classmates to know I was a Christian and hopefully I am shining bright so that they may know the love of the Lord.
Culture: This week = Culture. In my previous class we had a woman from Germany. She is great, 33 and an architect living in between Spain and Germany. She is very smart and cultured. She took me and another American around Barcelona and explained so many of the streets. It is really cool because even the tiles on some streets are decor and the design of such brilliant minds such as Gaudi. Also in pic above, there is me, Zoe (GA), and Katarina, the intelligent and cultured architect. We are standing in front of the Sagrada Family. (Google it) Also, today I went to the Picasso museum. It is rather interesting because it is literally tucked in to this small street in Barcelona.
Cumulation: I have had a lot of alone time this week, but it has been great. I was on the metro by myself the first time this week. Michelle and I go together always, but I was on the metro in the middle of Barcelona and got to figure me way around... Also this week I have been trying to be just as studious as when I started here. This Friday I am excited because I will get to go with a friend to the gym in BCN, and then we are going to see "27 Vestidos." (27 dresses, as in bridesmaid dresses) As in a girl has numerous occasions of being the bridesmaid but never the bride. Sounds familiar. I struggle with waiting for the right one. I know God has a plan it's just difficult to see many, many, many people you love and care about all get married and wonder why that type of love has not come?
I thank God for the opportunities that I have to travel. I have even secretly hoped that I can go away next spring. That would increase my level of Spanish so much. Well adios, espero que tengais una buena semana, con todo mi amor.
Saturday, March 1, 2008

This week has been a week of reflection. The picture this week was taken in Charlottesville 4 years ago. I am with a girl from Venezuela. (So there's still the Spanish theme), just thought a past picture was most appropriate this week.
In the mornings on the way to school, Michelle and I have an hour and 10 minutes of seeing the beautiful Spanish countryside before we arrive at uab. www.uab.com Anyhow it has been for me a really needed time of reflection. At home I find myself so busy I hardly have time for sleep. I have reflected in these past few weeks on my childhood, on my family members, of my time in Bible college. So many times when things are over, I find myself tucking them away in a compartment with a label from that time in my life. For example Bible college. I bring it up here and there but that was the BEST time of my life. I traveled to Maryland, South Dakota, the Bahamas, and many other places with a group of people that I love dearly. It was a time of growth spiritually as well as figuring out what direction my life was headed. I doubt so many things in my life but when I think of where I want to go it is to be a Spanish teacher, this is the one thing that I know. Also as far as people in my life, it is so important to stay in touch but when I cannot stay in touch with everyone like I want I find myself tucking my experience away. I want to make sure I take the most of every opportunity in life, I am trying to do that in Spain.
Oh Spain... School has been hard this week. We are going over verb tenses that refuse to stay in my head. I have had a great four weeks in classes, I go for two more, then "vacaciones," (during which time a friend from states is coming), then two more weeks of school, a week in France and London, two weeks and then I'm home. I am really enjoying it here but I am excited to get back and hit the trails! I hope to take a road trip this summer....and much more.
This Friday I am going to the Picasso museum, I am really excited. Also I had my first day at work today... lots of fun speaking to tables in Spanish but intimidating.
How are you all? Miss you~ hasta luego...
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I finally have hope that I am going to pass my biology class! This week has been so stressful.... God is faithful through it all!
I want to be personal on this blog, not too much so... This Friday I went to the doctor here in Spain. (It´s free--isn´t that something, even for foreginers)I will not say too much but remember to pray for me.
Also this week I had my friend Ines over. She is from Tawain. She has been in Spain for a year learning Spanish, she is a blast. She brought the ingredients to make Tiramisu but we were so tired after homework that we passed out. She has promised me that this week I must go with her to a coffee house in Barcelona to search for Spanish boys, I just laugh. (But we really are heading out Wednesday to the closest coffee shop :-)
My roomate Michelle and I had a great run this morning. We ordered shoes from the states and they got here on arrival! We went for a stroll this morning, it was wonderful. It is starting to warm up a bit, I even got a bit sunburned yesterday reading on the patio of our host family´s restaurant.
This week in Spanish, here better known as Castellano, we are writing articles on current issues in the world. We read an article this week on hunger in the world. I guess I realized as I read this articles, many times I have my eyes closed. Did you know there are 792 million people in 98 countries that do not have sufficient food? I didn´t. Also there are apx. 200 million children under 5 that suffer from cronic malnutrition in the world. The article also mentioned that the world produces enough food to feed double the population everyday. That has been weighing on my heart. We are assigned to write up on an article so I am doing mine on human sex trafficing. My church back home, Brentwood has been involved in this and I think it´s something I want to have my eyes more opened to...
I am hoping to visit more around Barcelona´s authentic spots this upcoming weeks. 10 weeks till I get home! See you all then
Sunday, February 17, 2008
This week has been a crazy week. School school and more school. My teachers that my Spanish is improving so much but I feel as though I have sooo much work to do. I have a lot of hw to get to right now just wanted to drop a quick note on my blog... I guess the highlight of the week would be when my class changed buildings this week... During a five minute break I rushed to the bathroom which were on opposite sides of the normal building. After I finished I opened the bathroom door to see my professor using the restroom I quickly made my exit... how embarrassing!!! To make it even worse we were discussing issues that women face in the world. When we came back to class he looked and he and smirked "Maybe we should be discussing men's habits this week." I think I could have died.
There are two really neat girls in the intermediate class who I am getting to know as well. One is from London and the other from Holland. Although all the students are learning Castellano, everyone speaks English whether from Sweden, or Japan so in the courtyard on our lunch break, everyone chats in English and I have found this two girls to be rather interesting. The girl from London, Charlotte chats with me everyday after class. So far I have learned she is from France, now lives in London, and yet spent 15 years growing up in Asia because her mom is an antique dealer.
In the picture I posted the first girl is Tora, she is from Sweden. She loves our 5 minute breaks so she can get a quick smoke and she is very reserved. There's me, then Zoe. Zoe is joining our class for two weeks, and is American which is really neat because in class we are able to talk about what America is like. (more to say on that later but I really, really have gained an appreciation for US being here!!) Next to her is our professor. She is almost finished with her doctorate, she is one of the most patient teachers I have ever had and she is not yet married. Next to her is Catarina, by far the best speaker in class who is from Germany. Her boyfriend is Spanish so we always joke maybe that would help the rest of us learn the language better. (We're just joking!) Not pictured is Ines. She is from China. I feel most close to her. She is very sweet and wants me to teach her to read better in English. I'm very excited for the opportunity.
I have so much to do, please stay in touch. Also for those of you who ran Holiday Lake, please e-mail me the results! I am dying~ since they are not posted yet!
Miss you all!
Saturday, February 9, 2008

I love pink. A great friend of mine was letting me use their "borrowed" pink DS and there is such thing called "brain age." Supposedly a doctor came up with how much your brain works while you are doing different activities. The DS shows your brain with colors signaling how much of your brain is being utilized. This week has been the week of school. The school Michelle and I are attending is an intensive language school called UAB. www.uab.es (I think I have already posted that on here) It consists of four hour sessions of reading, writing and speaking each day. I am not sure my brain has ever worked so hard.... If my brain were registering on a DS right now it would be completed colored, blinking out of capacity to show there is TOO much brain action happening. I leave school everyday FINISHED. I am tired but learning so much! I am trying to forget I ever learned English so that my Spanish will increase. A bit challenging.
My teachers are Javier and Marca. Javier is older, loves futbol <
Squid: I have been eating so much calamari. Yummy! I realized the other day how comfortable I am getting with just throwing miniature squid in my mouth. Four girls from class went to a Korean restaurant and they had a prepared squid and I munched and munched away. Quite rare for a conservative American girl...
Squishy: It rained some this week. Actually it poured. I couldn't figure out the idiom to describe "it's raining cats and dogs." The phrase simply does not exist in Spanish. Michelle and I ventured to Barcelona last week. We are staying with my good friend Ainhoa's family, so it only seemed natural to meet Ainhoa's twin sister. We trudged through the rain in Barcelona. We finally made it to Ainhoa's sister's boyfriend's restaurant. Neus' bf. It is one of the nicer restaurants in Barcelona. Neus told us that for 6-7 people to eat it can cost up to 3000 euros. That's a lot of money especially when the dollar is 67-68 cents to the euro.
Anyway it was the night of the Superbowl and we ate frozen coconut cover chocolate, and had juice with ice. (The first time I have had ice since getting here.)
Special Moment: In Barcelona, when we were I the restaurant I decided to explore by my lonesome. Sometimes I just need alone time to reflect. The restaurant consisted of glass windows on every side, so I found a quiet place (restaurant had not opened for the night) and looked out on the pier. There were so many boats, specifically lined in rows and rows and rows.... I thought had God has taken me from an childhood that did not look promising to VA to a loving home with my dad, then to college from which i have seen many interesting places. I thought had in that very moment as I watched the boats rock back and forth, how I was in Barcelona, Spain. What I had hoped for for so long had finally come. What a blessing from God, what provision. What an opportunity I can share with others.
Much care and love to all my friends and family,
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Adventures: This has been the week of mountains. Michelle and I visited Montserrat yesterday, a beautiful site here in Catalonia. It started with a train ride up the mountains and ended in a site with a vast overlook as well as a Catholic monastery. Michelle and I went into the monastery which was beautifully crafted. The outside was an enclosed plaza with three of the four sections of the monastery, small balconies of windows where the priests live and the fourth wall the entry into the church. As we entered there was a mass going on, so we sat and listened for 15 minutes or so but as it was in Catalan, we understood nothing but it was still an authentic experience.
The outside was an array of mountains. The gift shop had a number of books, one which I bought on the history of this mountain (a children's book in Spanish.) I also bought incense for my mom and some other gifts. During our trip we met a young mean from South Korea who had studied in the US.
The other mountains this week were merely right in our back yard! Michelle and I venture to run during the week and I was soooo tired of running the same loop so we asked our host family how to get to the top of this mountain. He explained it and then there we went. It was wonderful getting on a trail. Today I ran on the mountain, it was a great change of pace. I also discovered a few other small trails.
At home: As side from the outdoors, I have also seen a bit of indoors as well. The beginning of this week Michelle and I went to our host mother's mom's house and I rested all day. We first went to church, all in Spanish and then came home, ate Paella, watched a bit of "Bounce" with Ben Afflect in Spanish, and then I passed out. Also biology has keep me in the books.
** Special note: I also ate cheese this week....some of you will appreciate that :-) Our host family asked what I would like to eat for "cena," dinner and I told them pasta with vegetables. I received tortellini, (filled with ricotta cheese), but not to offend I ate half. It was actually good but a bit rich.
Personally: This week passed much faster than last week. I was very homesick last week and even considered coming home a month early. Thank God everything is going much better. We start our first Spanish classes Monday which is really neat. It will consist of four hours a day, 5 days a week studying at www.uab.es We are really excited.
Also each night after dinner, our host family discusses different issues with us. I have been really encouraged and open to a lot of conversation topics. Our host dad knows that we are Christians and also discusses his view of agnosticism. It is rather interesting hearing what he has seen in his life and what has really stood out to him. The other night he said, "people's actions are what really speak to me." He was talking about American missionaries (from an aspects of religions) who had sacrificed time and money to come to his home country Peru and what it really meant to him. So words have not really impacted his way of beliefs but the way that people had shown love is what has impacted his heart. That really stuck out to me in the way my life has headed and future decisions that I will make on what path my life will go and who I have the opportunity to care for and love. It is rather easy to be comfortable so I hope by God's grace I will be obedient to help those that really need it.
Much thanks for all the encouragement. Miss you all dearly.
Much care and love
The outside was an array of mountains. The gift shop had a number of books, one which I bought on the history of this mountain (a children's book in Spanish.) I also bought incense for my mom and some other gifts. During our trip we met a young mean from South Korea who had studied in the US.
The other mountains this week were merely right in our back yard! Michelle and I venture to run during the week and I was soooo tired of running the same loop so we asked our host family how to get to the top of this mountain. He explained it and then there we went. It was wonderful getting on a trail. Today I ran on the mountain, it was a great change of pace. I also discovered a few other small trails.
At home: As side from the outdoors, I have also seen a bit of indoors as well. The beginning of this week Michelle and I went to our host mother's mom's house and I rested all day. We first went to church, all in Spanish and then came home, ate Paella, watched a bit of "Bounce" with Ben Afflect in Spanish, and then I passed out. Also biology has keep me in the books.
** Special note: I also ate cheese this week....some of you will appreciate that :-) Our host family asked what I would like to eat for "cena," dinner and I told them pasta with vegetables. I received tortellini, (filled with ricotta cheese), but not to offend I ate half. It was actually good but a bit rich.
Personally: This week passed much faster than last week. I was very homesick last week and even considered coming home a month early. Thank God everything is going much better. We start our first Spanish classes Monday which is really neat. It will consist of four hours a day, 5 days a week studying at www.uab.es We are really excited.
Also each night after dinner, our host family discusses different issues with us. I have been really encouraged and open to a lot of conversation topics. Our host dad knows that we are Christians and also discusses his view of agnosticism. It is rather interesting hearing what he has seen in his life and what has really stood out to him. The other night he said, "people's actions are what really speak to me." He was talking about American missionaries (from an aspects of religions) who had sacrificed time and money to come to his home country Peru and what it really meant to him. So words have not really impacted his way of beliefs but the way that people had shown love is what has impacted his heart. That really stuck out to me in the way my life has headed and future decisions that I will make on what path my life will go and who I have the opportunity to care for and love. It is rather easy to be comfortable so I hope by God's grace I will be obedient to help those that really need it.
Much thanks for all the encouragement. Miss you all dearly.
Much care and love
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Spiritually: Spain has been a great time to really think about a lot of things. I find myself in the mornings feeling much less stressed and able to read and really devote myself to God, to what is most important. I am going through a Beth Moore series on David which is really teaching me about waiting for what the Lord has for me. (1 Samuel, story of Hannah)
Physically: There are some ferocious dogs here in Spain. It has taken me everything in the past few days to get up to run. I am still on VA time because I have been staying up until 2 am to make phone calls since that is when everyone is up on the other side of the world. So getting up has been 11 and 12 o'clock, and then reluctantly I have been trudging along for a morning jog. The other morning, Michelle (the brave girl I traveled to Spain with,) and I were on a morning run and a woman was walking her dogs. Before we knew it, the ferocious one (the tiny dog, it's high pitched voice was charging at us) but...so was it's brother a rather LARGE, HAIRY black dog. Michelle and I decided to power walk hoping that this would slow the dogs and it did for a second or two. Next we decided to stand there and I turned to Michelle kind of laughing and then I felt a pinch...the big dog had bit me right on my behind!
That has not stopped the morning runs, but it has made me more aware that dogs really will bite...
This morning I was running a large pack of cyclists rode by me, it made me fell so good seeing others on there bikes getting out in the fresh air. Also this morning I looked around me as I was running up a hill (that's right running up the hill-- some of you will get that :-) and it was rather beautiful. There is a set of mountains that I am dying to go to called Monsarat.
Socially: This week has been a lot of fun. Michelle and I ventured to Barcelona again. It was busy as usual and we decided to take a bus tour. SOOOOOOOOO boring that I decided to sleep for the last hour of it. A waste of 20 euro and with the dollar being 68 cents to the euro, that was one expensive ride. After the boring ride we went to the Hard Rock Cafe' and I ate a veggie burger, mmmm. Although that was tasty, everyday our host family, who own a restarant cook us paella, a typical dish or some kind of fish. I love the food but sometimes it is hard for me to eat because many things are fried. Also I do not eat cheese so that has made things a bit interesting at times. My one desire that I have not restrained though is DESERT. "Postres..." are fantastic. I'm posting a picture so everyone can see more of what I mean.
Start classes coming February 4th. That means I will be taking an intensive Spanish course and taking my biology online at the same time. A bit nervous about this.....
Emotionally: It has only been a week here but many times it feels longer. I guess I am really used to the routine at home and being away is hard. I miss Panera, long runs on Saturdays, even Olive Garden sometimes. It is a great culture change, and although I am getting used to it, it is hard not to want to know everything all at once. I realize so much that I want to speak the language but it is not coming as fast as I had hoped. I know all will go well in time. Miss you all.
Physically: There are some ferocious dogs here in Spain. It has taken me everything in the past few days to get up to run. I am still on VA time because I have been staying up until 2 am to make phone calls since that is when everyone is up on the other side of the world. So getting up has been 11 and 12 o'clock, and then reluctantly I have been trudging along for a morning jog. The other morning, Michelle (the brave girl I traveled to Spain with,) and I were on a morning run and a woman was walking her dogs. Before we knew it, the ferocious one (the tiny dog, it's high pitched voice was charging at us) but...so was it's brother a rather LARGE, HAIRY black dog. Michelle and I decided to power walk hoping that this would slow the dogs and it did for a second or two. Next we decided to stand there and I turned to Michelle kind of laughing and then I felt a pinch...the big dog had bit me right on my behind!
That has not stopped the morning runs, but it has made me more aware that dogs really will bite...
This morning I was running a large pack of cyclists rode by me, it made me fell so good seeing others on there bikes getting out in the fresh air. Also this morning I looked around me as I was running up a hill (that's right running up the hill-- some of you will get that :-) and it was rather beautiful. There is a set of mountains that I am dying to go to called Monsarat.
Socially: This week has been a lot of fun. Michelle and I ventured to Barcelona again. It was busy as usual and we decided to take a bus tour. SOOOOOOOOO boring that I decided to sleep for the last hour of it. A waste of 20 euro and with the dollar being 68 cents to the euro, that was one expensive ride. After the boring ride we went to the Hard Rock Cafe' and I ate a veggie burger, mmmm. Although that was tasty, everyday our host family, who own a restarant cook us paella, a typical dish or some kind of fish. I love the food but sometimes it is hard for me to eat because many things are fried. Also I do not eat cheese so that has made things a bit interesting at times. My one desire that I have not restrained though is DESERT. "Postres..." are fantastic. I'm posting a picture so everyone can see more of what I mean.
Start classes coming February 4th. That means I will be taking an intensive Spanish course and taking my biology online at the same time. A bit nervous about this.....
Emotionally: It has only been a week here but many times it feels longer. I guess I am really used to the routine at home and being away is hard. I miss Panera, long runs on Saturdays, even Olive Garden sometimes. It is a great culture change, and although I am getting used to it, it is hard not to want to know everything all at once. I realize so much that I want to speak the language but it is not coming as fast as I had hoped. I know all will go well in time. Miss you all.
Friday, January 18, 2008

Friends and Family... I miss you so much! I made it to Spain! Just to prepare you, this blog was started a few months ago and this is the first post since Spain. You are welcome to read the rest, however this is the most current and each time I post and send you an e-mail it will be the most recent post.
NEW ADDRESS: Olga Roca c/o Krista Meisch
Carrer del Cadi num. 4
08739 Urbanizacion Casablanca
Subirats, Barcelona
PARTY: Well before I left, my friends threw me a great going away party! Heather was in charge, so everything was place and set to go. I walked in to many goodies, and some great authentic Spanish food. (see photos below.) It was so much fun and it was one of the only times recently when all my friends from Bible college (www.missionbaltimore.org) have been together and it was not a wedding. Jessica was there, I was so happy to see her from her wedding, as well Mike her husband. Johnny was there just relaxing as usual but relaxing in his new home Lynchburg. Alicia stopped by after her time at reboot, and then Zimiri graced us with his presence although he was not taking pics :-) Thank you to my wonderful roommates and a GREAT thanks to Heather for throwing everything together. Julie came her two friends, Frank and Karma. After a while, Jason put on a video from a corny video from Bible college. Wow how time have changed, I was dancing on the video and so shameless :-) ANYWAYS, it was a lot of fun. Especially the portion with the pinata.
AIRPORT: After Saturday, I headed home to N Va. It was fun seeing my family before I was off to my world adventure. I got to sleep in everyday and I def. neglected to run although I know I should.... On Tues I headed to Michelle's (friend from Haiti accompanying me in Spain) where we left for the airport Wed afternoon. We must have said 'Spain," a 100 times before it was all over... At Dulles in DC there were so many people. Many were flying internationally and it was at this point where I really started to miss home. I mean home as in Lynchburg. (It is so calm and small and friendly and every time I go somewhere there is a face I am familiar with...) Anyhow we headed on the plane. In most places I pass out because I am so tired, yet having not run for a few days I was awake so I studied for my favorite new online class... biology. (Hee, hee) With an hour left I decided to nap, well after at least three really loud announcements during my one hour nap, we were in the UK. London! What a fun time. I felt like such a dork just listening to everyone speak, but the accent is so fun. In the airport in Dulles, Michelle and I had met a girl from Clemson who was traveling to Seville. She was fun girl and told us a bit about her upbringing in a strong Christian home which was comforting, and the three of us chatted for a bit. Before long, it was time to get on our flight. PS- restrooms there are known as TOILETS.
On the last flight, I was out! As we arrived in Spain, the view was so complex. Tons of buildings, the Mediterranean, and MOUNTAINS. :-) It is six hours difference so by the time we reached it was 12:25 Barcelona Time, 6:25 am in EEUU (United States.) I was tired but we grabbed our 6 bags and were happy to see Ainhoa's mom, and family there picking us up in Barcelona. I guess after trail running, I have this thing for mountains. There are incredible in Barcelona. Not only had we seen them on the flight but as we drove they surrounded us. We arrived first at Ainhoa's mom's restaurant and ate paella (the famous Spanish food) and enjoyed the company of Ainhoa's dad who had also picked us up. He is so sweet! After eating we traveled to the grocery. Ainhoa's mother is so patient with us but my Spanish and well as Michelle's is progressing. We ask her things she translates and then repeats, repeats and repeats. At the grocery store it was so fun. The "carrittos" and so small and the aisles are much less condensed, as well you buy produce at a produce store. The vegetables here are so flavorful! MMMM....
This morning we woke up at 10:22, I remember, then I thought how in the US it was 4:22 am, I was sooooo tired, but I revived for a trip to town. Did I say I love love love Spanish all the time? I fear I am not improving but we have learned so much vocab so far.
Tomorrow is the first day into the BIG city, Barcelona. I am very excited! Pray all goes well. Love and miss you all so much. Please write,
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