Although I am so thankful for the fact I got to come to Spain for an ENTIRE's about that time to be ready to come home! Me falta dos dias, which means I have two days left! This week has been so interesting. Michelle and I have been in Barcelona city all week! Michelle and I were trying to get the best out of Spain before we leave. So we have visited "Las Ramblas" again, we bought a ton of presents and went to the beach several days. These past few weeks have been complete rest. It is so funny because when I was in Bible college, I was so busy and I yearned for rest and now that I get to rest I just want to be busy again.
Once I get back I will have plenty to do. I finish my last set of classes beginning the second week of May, I start work again and I get to start running! I am super excited about this summer. I will get to hang out with all my friends at the first of three weddings this summer. (There were 5 last year), on May 24th and then I get to go home to Kansas in August. One of my cousins is getting married and I look forward to seeing my sisters and nephew Aiden.
On the plane home I know I will get to think of all that has happened this semester. I feel as though I have been gone forever. When I come back it will be so strange to enter the US culture, the money system the transportation. But I will be so happy to sleep in my bed, wake up to the sunshine in my room, be able to call my dear friends and family.
So I have enjoyed letting you all in on my life this past semester. There are few times in your life when you really have the attention of people, but I thank all of you for your love and reading about my life these past four months. I will miss Spain, miss writing these blogs but I anticipate seeing you all. Now having your attention only once more I do love you all. I want to leave you on a note that is much more important than anything else in my life or this world. So many times there is stress about what is to come or what in life we should be seeking or what even is the purpose of life at all. What I have learned from God's touch and from so many Christian friends loving and supporting me is that letting God take care of me and all those who trust Him is the only way. A verse of life from Jesus Christ, my Savior.
John 14: "Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, trust also in me...I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (vs. 1 and 14)
God loves and cares for us and he desires to let us know him. I encourage all you to let him do that. :-)
Much care, Krista Lene'